Playing European Roulette for dollars
European Roulette is a kind of gambling without big investments and with easy withdrawal. It is great fun for those who like to take risks. It is quite common and is considered the ancestor of all other types of entertainment. You can play European roulette for real money, including the dollars, and completely free of charge. If you want to join the timeless classics of gambling, the European Roulette online - a great option.

Rules of the game
European Roulette is a fairly simple rules of the game, many players are familiar from the films. You will see no less fascinating rules when playing Happy Jungle for money with the withdrawal that you received a bonus mode and a risk game.
In roulette you bet on a special table. You can bet on a specific number, group of numbers. You can also bet on a color, or the value of the parity. Depending on how likely your bet, you can win money. Accordingly, the biggest gain brings bet on a single number in roulette which thirty-seven. And the largest payouts in the Juice and Fruits slot machine will bring a symbol in the form of a seven, the multipliers of which reach 5000. Bids, where an equal chance, for example, when you put a certain color only, or even-odd, paid a one to one, but to win money so often. In addition, at rates equal chances to work best are numerous strategies that can be found on the Internet.

Feature of the game can be considered as a special sector, which unlike other painted green. It has a number, but if the ball got to that number, then all the winnings go to the casino. You can protect yourself by putting on the sector, but even then you will pay only half of your money put. Although this feature European roulette online, players are constantly trying to beat the casino and very lucky it's pretty good at it.

In any case, European Roulette is perfect for both beginners who only learn the basics, as well as experienced players who will be able to double-check the correctness of the chosen strategy, and their luck.